Toughen Up
Toughen up Folks, be a bit more resiliant. With cold and flu season here lets be a bit tougher with our actions when we get "sick". First off if you are getting sick often, something is wrong, second make sure to evaluate the severity of your illness. People got shot, ate sawdust, didnt have water for weeks and still didnt make as big of deal as some of us do with a runny nose lol <3 love you all
Make 2024 a real CHANGE, get off the hamster wheel, join us, let me help, having a coach, asking for guidance is STRONG, not weak
Follow me on IG: @casiejerichoIf you are someone who is looking for sustainable weight loss, muscle growth and that desired "toned" look check out my website at : and lets shake things up.Join our amazing community of clients who have done it all, from over 50lb weight loss ( and still going), squatting their body weight, decreasing their body fat %, fit into jeans they wore in High School, cured their forever long unhealthy relationship with food, ran their first 5k and so much more. Become a 1:1 client where we become your Polly Pocket Lifestyle Coach, here for you whenever you need or join the CJLC app and get the toes wet with some KICK ASS workouts and family/kid friendly recipes & all the education you could dream of for internal & external health. Code : Aminuslife10 . for 10% off any coaching or App purchase <3..And always please listen, share, review and follow this podcast, lets laugh at me and with me as we enjoy this wild life we created. Consistency Not Perfection.